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The Rev. Raymond French, C.S.Sp., was named vice president for Mission and Identity effective July 1, 2013. The division includes the Center for Catholic Intellectual Tradition, the Center for Spiritan Studies and Spiritan Campus Ministry.

Starting in 2000, French served as University chaplain and director of Spiritan Campus Ministry. Under his direction, Spiritan Campus Ministry expanded its ministry programs, strategically enhancing outreach across campus, the nation and the world. French and the campus ministry staff have helped to create a vibrant Catholic liturgical life on Duquesne's campus and have built an atmosphere of genuine welcome to all, regardless of faith.

A dedicated member of the University community since 1993, French came to Duquesne to study formative spirituality. While earning his master's degree, he worked part-time as a campus minister. After graduating, French became a full-time campus minister and assistant University chaplain.

Prior to coming to Duquesne, French did missionary work in Tanzania for three years and also worked in the United Kingdom in its Housing Department specializing in the care of the homeless.



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Departments, Centers, and Offices

Areas of Responsibility

Campus Ministry

Bill Christy, C.S.Sp.

Director of Campus Ministry

Mission Animation

Luci-Jo DiMaggio

Director, Mission Animation

Center for Spiritan Studies

William Cleary, C.S.Sp.

Director, Center for Spiritan Studies